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How Marriage Works

They say the shortest path to insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. We laugh at this flow chart because it accurately captures the no-win feeling most guys have in marriage... even when we're right, we're wrong - right? 

Yet we continue to believe by just doing what we've been doing she'll finally come around to our way of thinking and this whole marriage thing will suddenly come into focus and get easy for us.

If you're finally done with the short road to insanity, we're ready to help.

Here at Say Do Give we take a new and different approach to marriage. We commit to treating our wives like our best clients by doing simple things for her on a regular basis to show her she matters and we haven't forgotten her.

The twist is that we source the ideas from WOMEN, who actually provide simple things we can Say, Do and Give, taking the guess work completely out.

Click here to learn more and sign up to get these Say Do Give ideas in your inbox on a regular basis. All you need to do it pick one from time to time and make it happen. It only takes a few minutes, and it may help you finally crack the code on this marriage thing!

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